
Sitting here waiting patiently in the Buffalo Airport, I am amazed at how many people still insist on wearing the "power suit".

Every second person walking by me seems to be dressed for a serious meeting with serious people about serious stuff. I saw one smile a while back, but most of them seem to be on a collision course with destiny.

I have always said you can tell a lot about someone by their shoes. I can tell if you have been forced to wear a suit for your job by what your shoes look like.

Most of the people walking by me today have chosen to wear a suit. Their shoes give it away.

Interesting. I have not worn a suit for approximately 13 years. That record comes to an end this summer- I have weddings to officiate.

I better buy some shoes too.
Tim Bailey


impactmatt said...

nice... oh so very nice. The power suit hides a weakness. Although power ties make me laugh. (see Jim Carrey in the Mask... Stanley Upkiss)

Anonymous said...

I dont how you can be a pastor and not wear a suit.