As you can see below, I have been thinking about blogging for the last couple of months.
So I am starting again, mostly because blogging has become somewhat passe, and I've always liked the word "passe" and wished people would say "Tim is so passe". (Man I wish this crackberry had an accent option)
If passe was the worst adjective people used on me, it would be quite a step up from the last few years...
I will blog what's on my mind, and that may be exceedingly disappointing to you at times. Oh, and by the way- if you're looking for long wordy blog posts, you're in the wrong place. Most of them will be published thoughts on-the-go from this crazy little device, and hopefully they'll make you think too...
Tim Bailey
... oh, v.2.0 is reader's digest tim, complements of his blackberry.
Finally, an easy way to dialogue with Tim Bailey, once again.
Or, in the very leasts, read what goes on in the strange head of his.
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